Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Alzheimer’s is a Women’s Health Issue - Part 3

Coping Tips

     Due to the fact that medications that have been approved for the symptoms pf Alzheimer’s disease are highly limited, the general approach involves non-medicinal therapies.  These therapies are focused on the caregiver’s understanding of the sufferer’s anxiety, sleep disturbances, triggers for cognitive and behavioral issues, and overall needs as well as challenges. 
   With that being said, the following are suggested coping tips via the Alzheimer’s Association. 
·        Ensure that the person is comfortable and that their basic needs are being met
·        Avoid confrontation
·        Respond to all requests
·        Consider plausible causes for issues, such as disruptions, stimulating events, etc.
·        Maintain a regulated schedule for both sleep and meals
·        Assist with exercise
     One of the very best strategies for the disease appears to be compassion.  This is due to the fact that throughout the progression of the disease, those afflicted are able to retain their sense of self.  They remain able to expressly respond to human connection and warmth.  A great number of patients are also able to be soothed during difficult moments with the aid of a security object.  This object tends to be something that is comforting and soft, such as a stuffed animal, quilt or pillow. 

The Future of Treatment and Care for Alzheimer’s disease

Currently, there are a number of clinical trials underway as well as a great deal of research being conducted into the understanding of the disease.  This is causing the medical community, at large, to become quite hopeful that more effective treatment regimens will be uncovered in addition to a [possible] cure and/or preventative strategies. 
     The war on the disease received government backing in 2011 when President Obama signed the National Alzheimer’s Project Act (NAPA).  This Act calls for “an aggressive and coordinated national plan to attack Alzheimer’s disease and improve care and services.”  This initiative was further backed a year later via the Department of Health and Human Services National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease.  This is an impeccable framework that has been designed to identify the challenges while outlining Acton needed for the promotion of research in addition to the improvement of patient care. 

Current Findings

·        In February of 2014, it was released that low doses of Celexa or Cipramil were able to assist in the relieving of agitation within those suffering from the disease. 
·        Per a study that was published in January of 2014, cognitive training may assist patients with mental functioning.
·        Late within the year 2013, it was reported that several rare genetic variants were linked to the disease.  This is bringing researchers closer to determining risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Alzheimer’s is a Women’s Health Issue - Part 2


       The disease of most notably known for its advanced symptoms.  These symptoms include the lack of remembering family members as well as a tendency to become disoriented or lost.  This is a condition that is progressive meaning that it begins with less severe signs.  The symptoms generally are so subtle that they are initially blamed on a passing illness, fatigue or stress.  Unfortunately, they begin to progress towards stages that are far more severe.  What does need to be fully noted is the fact that this is a disease that tends to differ patient to patient. 
       As brain tangles and plaques begin to increasingly interfere with cell connections the symptoms of the disease tend to become more pronounced.  The progression goes from virtually no impairment to a mild decline to moderate to severe to a highly severe decline.  “Memory problems” have been described via the National Institute on Aging as one of the very first symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.  Those close to a person suffering from the disease may initially notice them having difficulties finding the proper words or having issue with the accomplishment of complex tasks.  Additionally, the sufferer may exhibit changes in their mood or poor judgment as well as they may begin to withdraw from activities. 
    However, the early changes are not radically significant.  Everyday tasks are still able to be accomplished with only a minor amount of assistance from friends and family.  As the disease progresses within a person, it will become noticeable that they are having difficulties in regards to becoming lost, with finances and money, there will be changes in mood and personality as well as the repetition of questions and the failure to complete tasks.  Additionally, caregivers will begin to notice that an Alzheimer’s patient will begin to experience paranoia, delusions as well as hallucinations. 
     Once a person has reached the middle stages of the disease, they tend to begin to develop
problems with depth perception, language, and math, the telling of time and reading.  Also, those that suffer from the disease will start to become agitated and anxious when those around them are unable to see the world as they currently do.  Sufferers will also become disoriented within places that should be quite familiar to them.
    The late stages of the disease will see patients requiring assistance in regards to the following tasks: walking, bathing, dressing, eating and more.  The ability to remember people that have traditionally been familiar to them becomes more and more difficult as physical health issues begin to arise, such as: bladder control difficulty, lack of bowel, difficulty swallowing, infections of the skin, seizures, and weight loss. 


     As early Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis offers the best chance in regards to effective management of the disease.  It does need to be noted that at this time, there is no way to reverse the effect of the disease nor is there a cure.  What is available are methods, etc. to assist sufferers and their loved ones with coping with the disease.  With an early diagnosis, the stricken individual and their family are able to begin learning about Alzheimer’s while preparing for the days ahead of them.  This will include preparations pertaining to legal matters, financial matters as well as the planning of extended care.
Generally, the diagnosis involves a series of steps.  There is not a singular test for determining if a person has developed the disease.  With that being said, the process will be inclusive of the following:
·        A mental evaluation in order to asses a person’s sense of place and time, their ability to remember, communicate and comprehend as well as their ability to complete simple math problems.
·        A series of evaluations that test:
o   Language skills
o   Visual-motor coordination
o   Reasoning
o   Memory
·        A physical exam that includes:
o   Pulse
o   Blood pressure
o   Nutritional status
·        A brain scan for the detection of additional causes of dementia (such as a stroke)
·        Lab testing for the screening of physical issues outside of Alzheimer’s
·        A psychiatric evaluation that will afford an assessment of mood as well as other emotional factors that can lead to dementia like symptoms or have the ability to accompany Alzheimer’s

Friday, November 6, 2015

Alzheimer’s is a Women’s Health Issue

Part 1

     It is true that Alzheimer’s disease affects both women and men, but the condition is vastly gaining attention as a women’s health issue.  To date, there are no known physiological links between gender and the disease’s development; but current statistics indicate that women are being affected more than men.  Approximately 2/3 of Americans that find themselves diagnosed with the disease are women with greater than 60% being the caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. 
     This disease has a devastating impact on both the person diagnosed as well as their caregivers.  This alone makes it a high priority within the realm of women’s health issues. 

Understanding the Disease

       Alzheimer’s disease rests in the category of cognitive (mental and reasoning) disorders most commonly known as dementia.  It is defined via the Alzheimer’s Association as “a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life”.  There are a number of forms of dementia, with Alzheimer’s being among the most common of them.  This is a disease that makes up for an estimated 60 to 80% of all dementia cases and it is reported that greater than 5 million Americans are currently living with the disease. 

      Generally, it is accepted that Alzheimer’s is the disease of the aging, given the fact that the majority of its sufferers are above the age of 65.  What is not widely known is the fact that there are about 200,000 people under the age of 65 that currently suffer from the disease.  Therefore, Alzheimer’s is NOT a normal part of the aging process. 

Women’s Health

     As previously stated, both men and women can and do suffer from the disease, but women suffer greater effects of the disease.  The lifetime risk of a women for the development of Alzheimer’s by the age of 65 is 1 in 6.  This is compared to a man’s lifetime risk, which is 1 in 11.  To put things firmly into perspective for you, the risk for an older women becoming afflicted with Alzheimer’s is greater than her risk of suffering from breast cancer.  According to the Alzheimer’s Association, women in their 60’s are approximately twice as likely to develop the disease during the remainder of their lives as compared to breast cancer. 

Risk Factors

     There are three (widely accepted) risk factors for the disease, which include the following: being a woman, family history and advancing age.  It does need to be noted that although the risk factors have been identified, there is no clear indication (at this time) as to how they work.
    The greatest known risk factor is that of advancing age.  The likelihood of a person developing the disease tends to double every 5 years after the age of 65 and after 85 the likelihood nears 50%.  Family history appears to play a significant role as well.  Those that have had a close relative develop Alzheimer’s find themselves far more likely to develop the disease as opposed to someone that has no family ties to it.  The rick increases with the number of family members that suffer or have suffered from the disease. 
Women have a higher risk factor for the disease due to the fact that women tend to live longer than men.  Researchers also contend that additional explanations may also play into why being female increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s. 

The Brain & Alzheimer’s

     This is a disease that attacks the brain causing issues with behavior, thinking as well as memory.  This involves brain plagues, which are abnormal protein fragment clusters that build between nerve cells.  The attacks also involve tangles, which are twisted strands of protein within dying and dead nerve cells.  These tangles and plagues interfere with the connections between brain cells creating cell death.  They are what is responsible for the progression of the disease as well as its symptoms. 
    The damage caused by the disease tends to [generally] start within the hippocampus, the region of the brain that is responsible for learning and memory. 

For Part 2, visit 
For Part 3 visit 

Monday, July 13, 2015

10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse

     Did you know that you can jump-start your weight loss, increase your energy level, clear your mind, and improve your overall health with easy to make green smoothies? No? Well it is possible with the help of the program that has been derived from the New York Times bestselling “10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse”.  This new program will definitively jumpstart your weight loss while simultaneously improving your overall health, clearing your mind and increasing your energy level. 
     This is a smoothie cleanse that is composed of super nutrients that are gathered from fruits and leafy greens.  It is very well known that green smoothies are healthy as well as filling and you will certainly enjoy drinking them.  Within a matter of days, your body will begin to thank you for the improved levels and decreased waistline that it will be afforded.  This program will afford you with an experience that will change your life expressly, just so long as you stick to it. 
   The program is fully and easily detailed by author JJ Smith within the pages of the book.  Not only will you be provided with all of the recipes for deliciously healthy smoothies, but you will also be given detailed instructions for the cleansing program and how to achieve the very best results.  The program does not simply end after ten days.  You will be provided with the knowledge needed to continue to maintain better health as well as how to continue to lose weight well after the ten days have commenced. 

     Now ask yourself…..are you ready for a sexier, healthier and slimmed down version of yourself? Yes? Then it is time for you to begin your 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse journey.  Upon the successful completion of the cleanse, you will incur the following with more ease than you could ever imagine:
·        The loss of upwards of 10 pounds within 10 days
·        The elimination of stubborn belly and body fat
·        The decrease of inches rapidly without grueling workouts
·        Being educated as to how to live a healthier lifestyle that includes healthy eating and detoxing
·        Obtaining a natural craving for healthy foods so that dieting becomes a thing of the past
·        Receive more than 100 recipes for a variety of health goals and conditions. 
     The cleanse is extremely easy to understand and JJ Smith lays out the entire process in a manner that even a child would be able to follow simply.  The smoothies that are an integral part of the program are extremely tasty and there is a different recipe for each day.  The vast majority of those that have already embarked upon this detoxing journey have repeatedly contended that their favorites are the smoothies for days: 3, 6, 7, and 9. There is absolutely no chance for anyone to get bored with the program since each day affords you with a different delectable taste.  Green smoothies are not like traditional smoothies.  They are optimal for those that have one daily for the purpose of losing weight while improving their overall health. They generally tend to contain green vegetables in addition to fruits, etc. 
      Green smoothies that contain a number of vegetables as well as fruits you will be able to help prevent the risk disease.  Additionally, green smoothies help in regards to the prevention of being overweight as well as obesity.  According to studies, green smoothies with fresh (or frozen) fruits and vegetables have the ability to reduce your risk of bone loss, diabetes, cancer, stroke, kidney stones, and heart attack. You may be under the impression that a smoothie is not a proper replacement for a meal, but a green smoothie, the amount of your dietary fiber that will be consumed will actually make you feel full for extended periods of time. 
  The program itself is extremely easy and does more to teach you about healthy eating and living than it does recruiting you into a fad that will later have you regaining the weight you’ve shed.  There is no chance of the weight that you lose creeping its ugly head back into the picture as long as you continue to adhere to the guideline set before you.  Those that have previously completed the 10-day cleanse reported better sleeping patterns at night in addition to increased levels of energy and weight loss. 
   One woman that recently completed the cleanse reported that she was able to quickly notice a difference in her nails and skin.  Her skin began to become clearer and youthful looking as her nails began to grow faster than before.  One essential key to the success of the program is the increased consumption of water.  For optimal results it has been widely reported and agreed upon that 64 ounces per day will need to be consumed.  This will not only further promote weight loss, but will additionally help to remove toxins from your system. 
     The true beauty of the system is the fact that age is not a factor.  Regardless of your current age or health or weight, you can change your life today by taking on the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse.  One glowing testament of this is a woman named Gloria.  Gloria is a 53 year old woman that penned a heartwarming review about her experience with the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse.  This is a woman that admitted to being overweight for the majority of her life and feeling less than because she was unable to run about with her young grandchildren.  In addition, after the death of a sister due to diabetic complications, Gloria admitted to becoming increasing concerned about her overall health.
   Within a matter of days, Gloria states that she felt more energized and youthful.  She was able to begin to enjoy outdoor activities with her grandchildren and her weight began melting away.  By the end of the cleanse, Gloria gained a body that made her feel like she had always wanted to.  She finally felt sexy and vibrant and after her last doctor’s visit, less at risk for the disease that took her sister from her.  With testimonials such as this, why would you opt for any other program?  Embark on the program that is changing lives daily, the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse. 


Friday, March 27, 2015

Women and Whey

          For athletes that are focused on strength training, protein powders are extremely popular.  Powders such as Legion Whey is a good source of amino acids and nutrients. There are people that take whey protein because they are either allergic to other protein sources (such as soy or eggs) or are lactose intolerant.  With that being said, lactating women that have decided to return to their training regimen are advised not to take whey protein unless under the supervision of a medical professional.  Although, whey protein has been shown to help in the prevention of milk allergies within babies that are fed formula.  The physician for the child will need to be consulted before beginning them on a regimen that involves whey protein. 

Whey Research

     According to early evidence, the use of Legion Whey powder, as compared to the protein within cow’s milk, eczema and atopic dermatitis can be prevented.  Although more research needs to be done on the supplement, whey protein has been studied as a measure of slowing down cancer that has metastasized. 
    There have been a great number of studies that contend that a strength training regimen that is combined with the use of whey protein powder.  The combination is believed to increase a person’s lean body mass, muscle size and strength.  Additionally, there have been studies centered on whey protein powder that have found it to assist in the prevention of excessive weight loss within individuals with HIV.

Legion Whey Protein 

    One of the best protein supplement brands that are currently on the market is the fairly new brand by the name of Legion Whey Protein.  This product from the Legion Supplements line is a 100% whey protein isolate that is able to boast about being all natural.  It also utilizes the milk from hormone free cows.  This supplement line is available in a variety of flavors that will soon include chocolate. 
     Legion is a highly cost effective option for those wanting to incorporate whey protein into their diet.  There have not been any hazardous side effects reported by users of the product line. 

Side Effects, Interactions and More

     When embarking on a strength training regimen that includes whey protein powder, it is important to note the side effects, especially for mothers of young children.  The vast majority of men and women that consume the supplement with no issue and tolerate it quite well.  There are some that, at high doses, experience headache, cramping, bloating, increased thirst and bowel movements and nausea. 
     Those that suffer from milk sensitivity and allergies should not consume whey protein.  Also, those that suffer from kidney disease will need to consult with their primary care physician before utilizing any form of whey protein powder.  Also, anyone that is currently taking any form of prescription medicines or additional supplements will need to consult with a medical professional.  Whey protein has been known to interact with certain medications that include antibiotics as well as Fosamax and levodopa. 

In Conclusion

     Women that have decided to strength train while lactating can do so, but will need to gain guidance from a medical professional.  There are benefits that are found within the supplement that will also help an infant.  But do not that it is very important that a physician be consulted first. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

5:2 Skin Diet – Is There a Real Benefit Behind it?

      By this time, there are a great number of you that have heard of the new diet trend that is called the 5:2 diet.  This diet requires you to eat normally for five consecutive days and then restrict caloric intake for two days.  There is an additional option of fasting for the remaining two days, should one desire.  This has now been applied to the world of makeup and it is being called the 5:2 skin diet.  For this “diet” you engage in your normal cosmetic routine for five days and then go without makeup for two days.  The purpose of this diet is to allow your skin to “detox” for two days which is supposed to result in your skin looking younger. 
         Years ago, this skin diet should have been a requirement, but in today’s climate of cosmetology is it really needed?  There are brands that continue to use the harsh chemicals of your grandmother’s brands, but for the most part, makeup is not as harmful to the skin as it used to be.  With that being said, if you have makeup that allows you to look and feel good and is posing no irritation to your skin, there is no reason to take on this skin diet and “detox”. 
      What is most important for your skin is thoroughly washing your face clean of makeup each night.  Simply because the makeup that you choose has been marketed as having the ability to last a full 24 hours, does not mean that you have to allow it to do so.  It should be a part of your beauty regimen to never sleep with makeup on.  This is one of the most horrible habits that women have and no amount of the 5:2 skin diet will protect you from the effects of sleeping in your makeup. 
      Your skin needs to be able to be able to repair itself and breathe overnight, therefore, the 5:2 skin diet will not be able to save your skin on its own.  Think about it, even if you only wore makeup for five days, if you do not completely remove it be before bedtime, how are you helping your skin? You are leaving to suffocate for five days before allowing it to “detox” for two days.  What can possibly be repaired or restored at that time?
     Do not be mistaken, the avoidance of makeup for a couple of days will help in the skin’s natural process while allowing your skin to rebalance its very own moisture.  Now, just as with the 5:2 diet that pertains to food, if you devote the majority of your time to a current routine and only taking a split second there are no improvements to be seen.  Especially if you wear makeup that is riddled with chemical plus you are not removing it at the end of the day, a two day fasting of makeup will garner no results for you and your skin. 

      There is no harm is testing the skin diet out for yourself.  Just simply go into the skin diet knowing that there may be virtually zero results for you to see as you look in the mirror.  

Friday, December 26, 2014

Cardiovascular Disease and Women

       Most women are under the impression that cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a man’s health issue and that the disease that is most likely to take the life of a woman is cancer.  This by far, extremely incorrect.  Cardiovascular disease is the NUMBER ONE killer of women, claiming more female lives than men since 1984 (8.6 million women globally, each year).  Within the United States, more than 1 in 3 women have a form of CVD. 
     CVD (also known as heart disease) is a class of diseases that involve the heart, blood vessels (arteries, capillaries and veins) or both.  51% of all annual cardiovascular disease deaths are female, with the following breakdown:
·        2.2 million Women die due to rheumatic heart disease, hypertensive heart disease and inflammatory heart disease and inflammatory heart disease.
·        3.4 million women die from ischemic heart disease
·        3 million women die from stroke
     Since 1984, women have died more often than men from CVD although women tend to get CVD ten years later than their male counterparts.  With that being sad, even though women are at heightened risk of death due to CVD, the following holds true:
·        Younger women that suffer from CVD have a higher rate of mortality than their male counterparts
·        Women are more likely to become disabled as a result of suffering a stroke
·        Women are less like to be prescribed a preventative regiment of aspirin therapy
·        Women are less likely to receive sophisticated pacemaker models
·        Women are less likely to receive or be recommended to receive life-saving cardiac surgery.
     It is important that women know the risk factors as well as the diseases that are increasing their mortality.  No longer can women hide behind ignorance or the misconceptions provided by mass media.  Take note of the following:
·        Age (some studies indicate that as estrogen level decrease due to menopause cause women to be at a higher risk for suffering from CVD, most notably, coronary microvascular disease (MVD))
o   MVD affects the heart’s tiny arteries (the artery walls are damaged or diseased).  It is also known as cardiac syndrome X or nonobstructive coronary heart disease (CHD).
§  CHD can cause angina, heart attacks, heart failure, arrhythmias, arthrosclerosis and sudden cardiac arrest.
o   Standard tests are not designed to detect MVD, which causes many women who have MVD to be diagnosed as low risk for heart disease. 
·        Family history, just as with men, increases the risk of a woman suffering from CVD
·        The vast majority of deaths are due to modifiable risk factors such as: smoking, high cholesterol, unhealthy diet, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes.
·        Less than one hour of physical activity per week makes a woman 2.48 times more likely than a woman of normal weight
·        Smoking doubles a woman’s risk of suffering a stroke.
·        Exposure to second-hand smoke increases a woman’s risk for CVD by 15%.
·        High blood pressure makes a woman 3.5 times more likely to develop CHD.
·        Each year, there are 320,000 new cases of heart failure diagnosed in women.
·        The overall death rate from heart failure in women is 82.3% (with 72.2% for white women and 79.7% for black women).
·        Woman tend to suffer from high blood pressure at greater numbers than men once they reach the age of 64.
·        Women with diabetes are also at a greater risk of CVD death than their male counterparts
·        31% of all heart transplant patients are women.
·        32.9% of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) patients are women.
o   PCI is a procedure that unblocks narrowed coronary arteries without surgery.
  It is time for women to think Red for heart health.  Make sure that you know your numbers (blood pressure, cholesterol, etc.), keep your weight within a healthy range and exercise regularly as you indulge in a healthy diet.  Educate yourself and your sisters, cousins, friends and neighbors.  There is no need for CVD to continue to be the number one reason that women are dying.  It is preventable. 
     Beginning today, make it a point to S.O.S. (Save Our Sisters).